There is no real 'best' gearing, just different gearing.
For the most part, the stock Spur gear (that is the Gear, on the Vehicle itself, not on the motor) on any vehicle, is fine to start out with. If you are not already in the Loop, on what size "pinion" gear (That is the gear that goes onto your motor) to use, you will very simply want to start out with the "Smallest" size pinion that fits easily. This is usually in the "very low teens" in regards to pinion teeth count. Smaller Pinion Gears, are safer than larger pinion gears and always the best place to start.
This is true for Crawlers, Bashers, Racers, Drag Setups, Speed Runners, and basically "Any" type of setup. Very easy to "over gear" a motor and cause rapid damage, but you cannot really under gear (Too small of a pinion) gear and cause any damage.
Basics of Gear Ratio is fairly simple, but perhaps "too much" info when doing simple comparisons. Spur Gear size, divided by the Pinion Gear size, multiplied by the transmission ratio and any other gearing reductions, gives you a final drive ratio. When comparing the same vehicle, you can simply use the Spur/Pinion as your general reference point and see the difference in simple Gear Ratio changes. Going "Down" on the size of the Pinion gear, is like going "up" on the size of the Spur Gear.
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