Hi there Thanks for the message.
All hardware are identical.
R10 Pro G2 ESC: https://www.hobbywingdirect.com/collections/xr10-pro-esc-g2
XR10 Pro G2 Elite edition : https://www.hobbywingdirect.com/products/xr10-pro-elite-esc-g2
XR10 Pro G2 goldline: https://www.hobbywingdirect.com/collections/xr10-pro-esc-g2/products/xr10-pro-esc-g2-goldline-limited-edition
XR10 PRO G2 ESC is the complete model widely accepted globally. It comes with 12 gauge wires and additional accessories including an extended power switch.
XR10 PRO Elite is exclusively released for North American customers who prefer 13 gauge. no accessories are included.
Goldline is a very limited edition for preference. It comes with goodies.
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